The Gospel of Thomas
For spiritual seekers and those dissatisfied with the teachings
of the established Church, the Gospel of Thomas Collection is a series
of spiritual writings that provide unique explanations and insights
into Jesus' teachings in the Gospel of Thomas.
Discovered amongst a library of books hidden for over 1500 years, the
Gospel of Thomas directly reveals spiritual Teachings of Jesus.
Their Life-Giving quality offers each of us inward certainty
and joyousness based on a timeless tradition of Truth that
was omitted from orthodox Christian dogma. It
consists of sayings of Jesus almost certainly written down
52AD and therefore pre-dating by as much as a generation
all the books and epistles included in the New Testament.
The Gospel reveals the spiritual Teachings of Jesus in their
purest form.
"Jesus the Life-Giver"
In your search for the Gospel of Thomas you have done well to find
this website. As its name implies
it aims to give information about the Gospel of Thomas not
available elsewhere and highlights relevant books. It introduces
you to a unique collection of writings that give you
crucial help on the way forward.
More about the Gospel of Thomas
- Found in Egypt
Only one ancient copy of the complete Gospel of Thomas exist, discovered
in 1945 by Egyptian peasants
- Finding the Inner Meanings
Experience shows that everyone at first finds the Gospel of Thomas difficult; no exceptions to this rule have been found. The primary reason is that Jesus is striving to take his listeners to a high level of spiritual awareness.
- The Teachings
To assimilate these Teachings requires a good deal of workchiefly thought and contemplation, and allowing time for them to grow inwardly and mature.
- The Language of the Gospel
Working with this original text it becomes more and more apparent that these are the words of a Master. Such texts are rare. In consequence every word has to be carefully studied, and due weight given to it.
- Structure of the Sayings
One of the pioneering achievements of scholars was to identify that the sayings in the Gospel of Thomas are made up from short phrases. By following their example it can be seen that the Gospel is a record of speech, for this is a characteristic of Semitic speech that Jesus would have used.
- The Role of Thomas
How the disciple with the birth-name Judas came to be given, twice over, the spiritual name of Twin
- Signature of Thomas
It is very clear that Jesus taught his chosen disciple Thomas something that he and his colleagues considered to be blasphemous and punishable by ritual stoning
- The Thomas People
'India, and all the countries belonging to it and round it, even to the
farthest sea, received the apostles' ordination to the priesthood from
Judas Thomas'
- Presentation of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas is definitely not a literary or narrative work. It is quite unlike the Gospels in the Bible